How the Higgs boson research will advance medical research

21 March, 2013

Last week the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, announced that their research endeavors ‘strongly indicate’ that they have solid evidence of the Higgs Boson particle. The importance of this discovery to those deeply entrenched in the study of quantum physics seems clear. But what is the value beyond academic research?  


The answer is actually quite a lot! Not because the Higgs Boson particle itself will be used to transform our lives but because the investment in technology used to detect this elusive particle has resulted in significant advances that ARE being used in extremely innovative but practical R&D areas. The huge investment in detector technologies can be directly translated into advanced analysis techniques for medical applications, including low light level imaging, bioluminescence detection and next generation disease diagnostics and therapeutics.  

The huge investment in detector technologies can be directly translated into advanced analysis techniques for medical applications.

As with most expensive and expansive research initiatives, it is often the side benefits that outweigh the focused research output. In this case, the celebration is not last week’s announcement but all the untold benefits to detection technology that should have a huge impact on our day to day lives.


Euan Morrison


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