Is ‘customised vending’ an effective vehicle for mass personalisation?

19 April, 2017

Consumer demand for more personalised food and beverage products continues to escalate, so how will the industry rise to the challenge?  There are strong indications that a blurring of the edges between food manufacture and food service is on the horizon. And a major evolution of the humble vending machine may be on the cards.

The digital age has spawned a generation of hyper-aware and empowered customers. It has also shifted the way the food and beverage industry innovates. In the past, new developments were largely driven by evolving technical capabilities. Today, innovation is increasingly consumer-driven. Customer needs and desires come first, and industry players must act smart to stay ahead of the game.

While the digital age has shifted the balance of power in favor of the consumer, it has also unlocked new manufacturing possibilities. Advancements in device connectivity, automation, and 3D printing offer much potential for the food and beverage sector. And technologies that organize and leverage big data are taking customer insight and engagement to a higher level. There are more opportunities than ever for brands to listen to and interact with their customers directly.  



New technologies to meet consumer demands

Over the next decade, we’re likely to see a convergence of these technologies as brands strive to deliver personalisation to the masses. At Sagentia, we’ve witnessed a steady increase in the number of food and beverage brands approaching us to discuss novel dispense technologies. Some of the conversations we’re having centre on truly progressive – even revolutionary – approaches.